I had a dream a couple nights ago about riding in a bus and commenting about how I loved the wide boulevard and the way everybody maintained their lawns. That enraged the lady next to me. I had made an insensitive, politically-incorrect comment harmful to protected classes. It was just like real life. Unless one watches X-rated movies and keeps up with the latest kids’ games, one will not keep up with the pollution status of various words and phrases.

On the subject, a person working for the NC DOT was testing the agency’s Traveler Information Management System. He/she/it sent out alerts blaming women drivers, rain, and Abomicare for an accident. Now, he/she/it could have come up with something less offensive that people may actually have believed. (Remember the War of the Worlds.) Instead, by being absurd, he/she/it has offended the sensibilities of women and minorities, thereby knocking protected classes down a couple pegs. He/she/it has subsequently been fired.