Pro-abortion zealots gathered for a big party this weekend, which the Daily Tar Heel describes this way (emphasis is mine):

Ipas, a Chapel Hill-based global nonprofit dedicated to preventing unsafe abortions, held a Retro Rock for Reproductive Rights benefit Saturday as part of a year-long celebration of its 40th anniversary and its success since it was founded.

Then this:

Paige Johnson of Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina said she’s hoping the environment for change provided by the benefit will spur people to get involved in the women’s health movement the future.

“Women’s health is really under assault in North Carolina, so we’ve never been in a political environment like this — one that’s this hostile to women’s health,” Johnson said.

“This is the perfect time for us to come together and thank people who have been steadfast in defense of women’s health and to let people know how they can be involved.”

It is stomach-churning that pro-abortion zealots have zero regard for the thousands of unborn baby girls whose lives are ended each year by their “success.”

Weep for the children.