The Coalition of Asheville Neighborhoods (CAN) applied to take over a federal Community Block Development Grant (CDBG) from an organization that went out of business. The Council of Independent Business Owners objected on the grounds that CAN had no experience in the complex art of administering federal grants. Pack Square Park has turned the city center into a quagmire for years due to complications in administering federal funds. Councilman Dr. Carl Mumpower argued that he didn’t want federal moneys going to political organizations. Progressives on council denied that the group was political. One could have heard a pin drop when Mumpower alleged that CAN could be in violation of its 501(c)(3) status. What do you think? Check out these pages from CAN’s website (Activist Toolkit, Progressive Ideas, Development Woes, Meeting Reports).

Mumpower and the swing voters on council finally agreed to deny the fund transfer.