I’m telling ya folks, the stuff unfolding out in Glendale with the ownership of the Phoenix Coyotes up in the air reads like a scene from Charlotte’s near future. Team owner tires of losing millions, resolves to declare bankruptcy and sell, city and league freak and try to stop that. Oh, and the city jumps up and down and claims the terms of its lease prevents any such thing.

But what does the latest filing from the city of Glendale hold? The promise of an “enhanced partnership” with the city in the form of tax breaks for the new owners. Michael Jordan call your office.

Can’t you see this unfolding in Charlotte? You wouldn’t even need all the courtroom drama, not with Bob Johnson now on record wanting to sell to Jordan if possible. In fact, the biggest hold up to an “enhanced partnership” deal between the city of Charlotte and a Jordan ownership group would likely be Jordan himself.

I still don’t think the guy wants to be an NBA owner.