Politics, it has been said, is the art of compromise. That would be nice. Politics today is usually seen as a circus-like obstacle to good governance. It was therefore refreshing to read the latest Mumpower E-Express in which he states that the rationales for positions on illegal immigration are excuses to cover a scheme to, paraphrasing loosely, gerrymander voting districts into Mexico.* The debate over illegal immigration has been going on for years, and the rationalizations for positions do keep getting better.
We all know how partisans love to demonize the other party. It has, in fact, come to my attention that my intellectual and moral superiors are wasting their time reading this blog. Sometimes I get the impression they only pretend to read it, satisfied in their opinions that I’m an Ann Coulter wannabe who only repeats the rhetoric spoon-fed me by my opinion leaders.
Now if I, like Galileo, confess to the accusations of my inquisitors, I’ll find it hard to suppress my pride in serving as a useful idiot. You see, the communism that those who purport to read this blog support requires a perfect world to succeed. As long as people like me who will mindlessly support greedy developers are in this country, we need another form of government, something with checks and balances to make sure I don’t grant my bedfellows unfair advantage.
“Democracy!†they cry, and ask for multiple recounts if the election doesn’t turn out in their favor. Wist they not that half the population is ignorant and of the other party? “Equality!†they claim to be on a par with democracy as a building block of this nation. But would they for a second consider me to be on a par with their intellectual stamina, or propose that I should get to speak into their big microphones as much as they do?
People ascend by giving. It is blessed to give, but not blessed to take. My detractors, however, advocate redistribution of wealth. Of course, they do not call it by that name, and those in office would deny the act takes place. After all, it is not tax dollars from the working class that pay for welfare, it is money from the general fund. Again, I am an idiot who learned conservation laws (e.g., money is not spontaneously generated). It was in studies of ecology that I learned the importance of closing all loops in economic considerations. Today’s logic says we can fund without collecting money in the first place, let alone earning it. Prosperity is taken for granted while everybody need only sit around and want. Producers need not apply. So, as American capitalists paid taxes to support communism abroad with US foreign aid, the working class continues to run the wheelwork underlying the economy that is perceived only as the gift that keeps on giving by those who pretend to read this blog.
Those embracing the philosophy I am attacking turn to government to solve all problems. If water is draining into my yard, I ought not confront the evil developer and ask for compensatory action. Rather, I need to lobby for broad brushstroke legislation to apply to everybody in the community. We forget that half of government is populated by idiots of the other-party persuasion.
A long time ago, there was a thing called a family. People held off creating more people until they felt they could provide for them. Now, when traditional families are ready to start having kids, they find out that their sacrifices will pay for others’ children to go to college, but not theirs. Economies that ask people to work hard for those that don’t work don’t last long. That’s why we have five communist states left compared to this many attempts.
*Since Dr. Carl Mumpower is running for Congress, let this and this suffice as equal time for the other hopefuls contending for the seat.