As only he can, N&R editor and publisher Jeff “Grits” Gauger makes it all sound so good:
What’s new in this approach is that readers now will pay to view News & Record content on desktop computers and mobile devices.
We’re calling our new approach “All Access.” The name recognizes that we will offer subscription options that enable readers — you — to read all of the News & Record’s content everywhere we serve it up or to read it only in the format you prefer.
What doesn’t change is the News & Record’s commitment to providing a complete solution for reading timely local news, analysis, opinion and advertising, whether in a print or digital format.
Believe you me I’ve thought twice (many times) before writing out the print subscription check and sticking it in the mail. Guess now I can finally see some value —-limitless access to the N&R’s “commitment to providing a complete solution for reading timely local news, analysis, opinion,” although I seem to be getting by alright linking to articles in other newspapers with paywalls.
To be fair, though —as Carolina Plott Hound points out— the N&R is the last big-city newspaper domino to fall to the temptation of the pay wall.