In yesterday’s editorial, the N&R describes the vote to proceed with a contract to operate the White Street landfill as “rushed and flawed,” ultimately concluding that the decision should be delayed until after the election, with the landfill serving as the “signature issue in the council campaign, which should be viewed, at least in part, as a referendum on the landfill.”

I wish it were that simple. Although Mayor Bill Knight is facing a tough reelection campaign, the possibility still exists that the council’s conservative bloc could hold steady. Anyone think landfill opponents would accept such a defeat so graciously?

The N&R also needs to be careful what it wishes for —it might get it. Making the landfill the signature issue would make for a campaign like Greensboro hasn’t seen in a while. I personally wouldn’t mind, but it would shock the sensibilities of those around here whose idea of local politics is council bowing down to city staff on every issue.