I realize I sound like a broken record—but here goes again—sometimes I really really wonder in what world our friends down at Greensboro’s paper of record —the News & Record—live.

This week it’s an editorial on the Todd Burroughs case. For those unfamiliar, Burroughs was shot and killed by a Rockingham County in his driveway after leading deputies on a two-mile blue light chase.

N&R writes:

According to a State Bureau of Investigation report, Burroughs was uncooperative. Once he left his truck, he ignored repeated orders to stop and show his hands. Martin shot Burroughs with a stun gun, to little effect. After Burroughs retaliated by hitting Martin with a can of beer, Martin then pepper sprayed Burroughs. When Burroughs headed to the back of his truck for a bottle of water, Martin struck him in the elbow with a steel baton. Burroughs grabbed the baton and rushed him. Martin ordered Burroughs to drop the baton; Burroughs ignored him. Martin fired.

It’s all too easy to second-guess the actions of law enforcement from the comfort of a keyboard. But it appears that once Burroughs had parked his vehicle, at his home, no less, he posed no imminent danger. There was no urgent need to take him into custody right away.

Amazing that the N&R can cite those details of the SBI report then turn around and write that Burroughs “posed no imminent danger.” Like I said, I’m not sure in what world they live, but it’s devoid of common sense. Keep this in mind when they start publishing their endorsements as election season heats up.