Robert Spencer writes for about the latest disturbing statements from the 44th president.
No one seems sure who first said it, maybe Joseph Goebbels, but in any case, it’s a tried-and-tested Alinskyite tactic: accuse your enemy of what you’re doing. Barack Obama is a practiced expert at this, and he gave a master class in it on Thursday at his Obama Foundation’s Orwellian-named Democracy Forum.
With some notable and revealing difficulty in getting the words out, Obama accused the Republicans of doing everything that the Democrats have been doing for the past few years: rigging elections, weaponizing the justice system, and trying to ensure that they would remain in power on an indefinite basis. Whatever can be said of Barack Obama, the man certainly has a lot of chutzpah.
Using the fake and faintly southern-tinged accent that he often adopts when speaking about issues involving domestic politics, Obama said: “There are going to be times” — tahms — potentially when one side tries to stack the deck and lock in —” And here, Obama looked at his right-hand teleprompter and then, as if seeking relief, at his left-hand teleprompter, but finding no help there, looked down and, after an interminable, eons-long pause, began to stutter.
The sainted hero of the left managed finally to say: “A…” And another pause. Obama finally sputtered back, saying: “A, a, a…permanent…” Another pause. “…grip on power, either by actively suppressing votes or politicizing the armed forces or using the judiciary, the criminal justice system, to go after opponents.”
Maybe his teleprompter was glitching. After all, it happened to his protégé Kamala Harris a few weeks ago, and he is no better at speaking off the cuff than she is. Another possibility is that what Obama was saying was so staggeringly false, and even worse, was such a classic example of projection, that it was too much even for this practiced deceiver and stirrer-up of strife. Obama undoubtedly knows, and has likely been involved in, how the Biden-Harris regime sicced the “Justice” Department on Donald Trump.