So many of them have been thinking it, or hinting around at it, but Newsweek editor Evan Thomas came right out and said it. The religious fervor of the Cult of Obama is reaching new levels of devotional ecstasy.

It’s no longer things like “Jesus was a community organizer, too!” and Obama is the Anointed One and we need a new chapter in the Bible just for him and getting the Library of Congress to preserve church sermons about Obama and even rewriting beloved lyrics about the birth of Jesus Christ to be about Obama coming to the White House. Nor is it about silly press photos (see below) to portray Obama as if he was always ringed with a halo or emitting holy radiance or otherwise marked by divinity.

What, do the old media think the message is not getting through? Are too many people Obamagnostics? Therefore, are they abandoning the indirect approach about Obama’s god quality for a more direct, blunt approach?

Thomas’ comments (and how did he refrain from saying “Can I get a witness?”):

In a way, Obama is standing above the country. Above ? above the world ? He?s sort of God.