Imagine if a conservative told a talk-radio personality that Barack Obama’s job was to “carry a spear” for progressives. There would be howls of PC pain from the left, followed by charges of racism, because everyone knows that spears were carried by Zulus and Bantus in Africa, and, of course, that’s the ONLY thing a right-winger could mean.

But what if a progressive himself said it, like Mike Papantonio, formerly of the defunct left-wing Air America, did on Ed Schultz’s radio show yesterday?:

Because he is good for progressives. Don’t get me wrong, Ed, he is good for progressives. He’s the only guy out there carrying our spear.

It’s like lefty producers and writers calling Capt. Oliver Wendell Jones, a black man, “Spearchucker” in M*A*S*H (photo at right). It’s OK if you’re a lefty. Everyone knows your just being ironic. It’s, like, artistic, not racist.