NCPA’s John  Goodman documents Obamacare by the numbers.  Below are just 7 of the 32 numbers he provides in his post here

There have been 8 versions of ObamaCare. The numbers below are
estimates made for one or more of them. We believe they are still in
the ballpark, and we will update as more information becomes available.

?If you like the plan you are in you can keep it.?

19 million Number of people predicted to lose their employer plan (Lewin Group)
8 to 9 million Number of people predicted to lose their employer plan (CBO)
$11,543 Employer incentive to drop coverage for a $30,000 a
year worker with family [Tax subsidy in the exchange minus tax subsidy
at work minus $2,000 fine] (IRET)
8.5 million Number of seniors and disabled people at risk of losing their Medicare Advantage plan (Medicare Chief Actuary)
3 million Additional people who will likely lose Medicare Advantage plan benefits (Medicare Chief Actuary)
$816 Average annual benefit loss for 11 million seniors and disabled in Medicare Advantage plans (CBO)
33 million Number of people in traditional Medicare at risk of losing access to care because of $523 billion in cuts in Medicare spending (Medicare Chief Actuary)