Heather Wilhelm of Real Clear Politics writes with bemusement about one of the new print advertisements designed to generate support for Obamacare:
The “Thanks Obamacare” campaign, amazingly enough, somehow manages to ratchet up the crazy. The campaign’s “bro-oriented” ad—lovingly nestled between others targeting nervous expectant mothers, cool dads who kayak on dangerous rivers, and deep-in-thought guys who are about to accidentally hit their best friends in the face with golf clubs—features two clueless-looking young men clutching “party” red Solo cups, with a third “bro” attempting a keg stand (Bro No. 3, as an aside, looks about 48, but Obamacare doesn’t really care how long you take out student loans, I guess). Here is the text of the ad:
TOP OF THE PAGE, IN THE SAME FONT AS THAT FAMOUS MILK AD: “Got insurance?” SIDE OF THE PAGE: “Brosurance. Keg stands are crazy. Not having health insurance is crazier. Don’t tap into your beer money to pay those medical bills. We got it covered. Now you can too. Thanks Obamacare!”
At first, I thought this must be a parody—a clever, subversive, maybe even Koch Brothers-funded illustration of the utter, embarrassing dumbness of Obamacare. I mean, really, is there any better summation of the folly of the welfare state than “Don’t tap into your beer money to pay those medical bills?”
The only recent contender I can think of came from Cindy Vinson, an Obamacare supporter who, shocked at her brand-new insurance rate increase, told the San Jose Mercury News: “Of course, I want people to have health care, I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally.”
But, alas for us all, I went to the “Thanks Obamacare” campaign’s grammar-challenged website (which is, no joke, www.doyougotinsurance.com) and it appears to be quite real. They have a Twitter feed. They have sponsors who are apparently not embarrassed to have this page link back to theirs.