Think ObamaCare’s destructive impact is only in the arena of health insurance and delivery of services? Nope. The latest industry to be targeted by ObamaCare is the vending machine industry, which, due to government mandate, must post calorie counts on machines — as if it’s breaking news that candy bars contain lots of calories, as if the government knows when and what you eat and should be able to tell you what is and isn’t good for you. And now the industry is reeling from the impact, which is estimated to cost the businesses $25 million a year.
Carol Brennan, who owns Brennan Food Vending Services in Londonderry, said she doesn’t yet know how she will handle the regulations, but she doesn’t like them. She has five employees servicing hundreds of machines and says she’ll be forced to limit the items offered so heremployees don’t spend too much time updating the calorie counts.
“It is outrageous for us to have to do this on all our equipment,” she said.
Brennan also doubts that consumers will benefit from the calorie information.
“How many people have not read a label on a candy bar?” she said. “If you’re concerned about it, you’ve already read it for years.”
And in predictable fashion, government (the FDA in this case) has deemed that the system is more important than individual businesses and people.
It estimates the cost to the vending machine industry at $25.8 million initially and $24 million per year after that, but says if just .02 percent of obese adults ate 100 fewer calories a week, the savings to the health care system would be at least that great.
It’s only the beginning of the ObamaCare onslaught against freedom, choice, business and individuals.