When North Carolina’s Democratic state insurance commissioner raised concerns about the negative impact of the Affordable Care Act on Tar Heel insurance customers, Carolina Journal Associate Editor Dan Way reported on the complaint. Way’s report attracted attention from The Independent Weekly and from N.C. Senate Republicans’ daily press email. Senate Republicans also promoted Way’s report on reaction to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling blocking the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan.

The Senate GOP, N.C. Spin website, and Carolina Partnership for Reform all took note of a column from “always on target” Becki Gray, John Locke Foundation vice president for outreach. The column focused on North Carolina government’s regulatory burden and the prospects for reining in regulatory growth.

CJ Managing Editor Rick Henderson discussed the ongoing court fight over electoral redistricting during his latest appearance on Time Warner Cable News’ statewide “Capital Tonight” program. Senate Republicans cited Henderson’s report on the initial redistricting ruling from a three-judge federal panel.

The Wake Forest Weekly republished CJ Associate Editor Barry Smith‘s articles on changes in state election deadlines and proposals for boosting state teacher pay. The N.C. Spin website picked up Smith’s articles on a possible REINS Act for North Carolina regulation and the potential expansion of the state’s zero tax bracket. The Senate GOP highlighted his article on the prospects for state medicinal marijuana legislation.

Senate Republicans also promoted JLF Chairman John Hood‘s columns on Republican strength in N.C. politics and the benefits of recent state tax cuts. The N.C. Republican Party publicized Hood’s tax-cut column.