We watched or listened to much of the president’s press conference so you didn’t have to.

Quick takeaways: The president doesn’t like Harry Reid. Or Nancy Pelosi. Or himself, for that matter.

He highlighted a tax break for owners of corporate jets as a revenue-reducer that makes no sense. Turns out that the tax break was part of the stimulus package, passed when Democrats controlled Congress. And oh yes, signed by Obama.

He also told Congress to “do its job.” Great idea. The Democrat-led Senate has not proposed a federal budget in more than two years. (The GOP-led House passed a budget this spring.)

And he also blamed Congress for failing to come up with a plan to reduce the national debt — which is curious, again, since he and his Democratic allies passed that stimulus plan, including nearly a trillion bucks in red ink. And he wants to spend even more money on infrastructure without paying for it.

Color me confused.