Hard to believe, but some irresponsible parents have already imbedded so many bad habits into their children that we have a new trend: obese toddlers.

Indeed, obesity rates among 2- to 5-year-olds rose to 12.4% on average for the years 2003-2006, compared with 5% in 1980, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many obesity experts say this is partly due to poor eating habits and greater availability of junk food. Obesity can have serious health consequences in young children, such as stunted hip and leg-bone growth, says David Ludwig, director of the Optimal Weight for Life Clinic at Children’s Hospital Boston. Some children as young as 5 now suffer from Type II diabetes and high cholesterol, conditions that primarily used to affect adults. Overweight toddlers also have a higher risk of being heavy later in life, studies show.

It has been years since I’ve seen kids running and playing outside their houses. Where are the hoops games? Where are the four-square teams? Where are the bike-riders? Having a healthy child isn’t rocket science, and it’s certainly not the responsibility of government.