Reason’s Sam Staley writes about Obamacare:

The health-care reform plan, according to the White House summary, undermines the core governing principle of Federalism in several ways, not the least of which is treating states as if they are, at best, junior partners with the Federal government, or, at worst, little more than wards of the Federal government.

… (T)his refom is simply reinforcing a broader trend toward a unitary system of government, with the national government setting goals and objectives and lower levels of government carrying them out.

Unfortunately, this is really all part of a progressive vision to change the way America governs itself.

That last sentence is why I’m concerned about Greensboro’s mayor going to Washington to solicit federal funds, and why I was always opposed on principle to the downtown hotel deal funded with federal stimulus bonds.

Yeah, I realize no public money is (supposedly) involved, but it was still the result of federal legislation that nobody understands and therefore has many unforeseen consequences, worst of which was compromising the City Council’s responsibility to govern.

Being wards of the federal government has many unforeseen consequences. Think how many there will be now that it’s taken over healthcare.