Buncombe County Schools continue to experience something that at some point down the road may be termed, Lisa Baldwin Syndrome. Cliquez ici for the latest round. I understand that animals like to cooperate because the happy vibes and cohesiveness protect the collective from outside onslaughts. However, being a lone wolf and speaking out when it is not cool could save the herd from running off a cliff.

School boards have their reputation for being dull Crayons in the proverbial box, but even they have enough insight into human behavior to see this and beyond. Now, maybe they are far, far advanced in their thought, but they appear to be thinking The Wee People out here aren’t turned off by their kindergarten antics.

Here’s my take. I have spoken to Lisa Baldwin before, and I’ve heard her speak a number of times. Idiomatically speaking, she does not have a mean bone in her body. I have disagreed with her on some issues that involve projection and points of diminishing returns, but that is the kind of stuff healthy bodies should be hashing out rather than using as demonization juice.

The other takeaway is a question. Last night, luminaries were discussing whether it was better to vote for those who stand for principles or those who “govern” through compromise on differences of opinion. If I could jump into the conversation, I would propose two different categories that frequently appear on my ballots: (1) those who would “govern” through compromising good for evil, and (2) partisans who can fight like the infamous children in the sandbox.