Leave to Tara Servatius at Creative Loafing to strip away the veneer on talk of remaking the Belmont neighborhood.

Black people removal
The white-washing of Belmont

Harsh isn’t it? But like we noted here a couple weeks back, the re-development plans for Belmont depend on shooing current residents and businesses somewhere else. The Uptown crowd aches to leap the 277 belt and expand Center City — our 2030 transit plan utterly depends on it.

Charlotte is in a race to build as much office tower square footage in Center City as possible before Charlotte’s first edge city erupts somewhere along the Beltway. Ballantyne is off to a good start, but it is no Tysons Corner. Yet. Once the jobs move out, the grand transit plan is dead and the tax base starts to move away from Center City.

This explains why Donald Trump has come sniffing around Tryon Street. Dollars to donuts there is some sort of city subsidy involved any Trump office tower. Recall there was with the NASCAR office tower.

Current residents need not apply.