The Wilmington Star-News (subscription required) reports that New Hanover Regional Hospital rebuked a local obstetrician because her caesarian section rate was too low and directed her to maintain a c-section rate at least double her usual practice.
The hospital also said they would monitor her practice because her patients’ babies were larger than average and stayed in the womb longer. The hospital spokeswoman said the $9500 difference in charge between caesarian and natural deliveries ($14,200 v. $4,700) is not a factor in the case.
Statistics quoted indicate that the c-section rate nationally increased from 5.5% in 1970 to nearly five times that, 26.1%, today; NHRH’s rate is over 27%.
Saying this encouraged “unnecessary surgery”, the OB is relocating her practice to Mississippi. Somebody won here but I don’t think they live in North Carolina.