There’s no link yet, so you’ll have to trust your faithful correspondent when he tells you that P.J. O’Rourke brings his A-game to a Forbes Life essay describing a less-than-stellar summer trip to Rome. While the entire piece is interesting, the following should elicit a chuckle from anyone worried about either climate science indoctrination or the state of public education.
The speeding Vespas were considered the best part of our sightseeing. Our 14-year-old daughter wants a Vespa (or, worse, a cute buy who rides one). Our 12-year-old daughter, who’s been studying “climate awareness,” which is now two-thirds of the American school curriculum, asks why our rural New England family of five with three dogs and a boat trailer doesn’t use a Vespa instead of an SUV. And our 8-year-old son, to judge by his behavior, aspires to be run over by a Vespa. Where we went on vacation is already a vague memory. (“Was it a place with smelly cheese?”) But the motor scooters will never be forgotten.