Orson Scott Card, who writes for The Rhino Times in Greensboro (which carries a special Carolina Journal insert on the first Thursday of each month, by the way), is a well-respected science-fiction writer and a man who minces no words. Recently, the words he didn’t mince were about the global warming hoax:
What matters right here and now is that it is time for the world’s scientists to apostatize from the Church of Global Warming. It is a false religion. It is based on lies, and its leading prophets know that it is because they’re the ones faking the data or stretching it to ridiculous lengths to pretend that the real world hasn’t already ruled against their claims.
It gets better:
It is time for our school systems to stop accepting the gospel of that false religion and start doing their due diligence. Our children should be taught about the demonstrable solar cycles and the whole human-caused global warming theory, along with the Hockey Stick Hoax, should be taught only as another example, after Piltdown Man and pre-Copernican theories of planetary movement, of how science can be corrupted when ideology gets ahead of the data.
Read the whole thing
(h/t NewsBusters)