A recent study about alarming cheating trends among young people prompted a column from N.C. Education Alliance Fellow Kristen Blair. The Tryon Daily Bulletin recently reprinted that op-ed. Speaking of opinion pages, a guest writer in today’s Statesville Record & Landmark questions whether that newspaper’s coverage has turned more liberal. The writer cites John Hood as an example of a conservative counterbalance on the editorial page. Conservatives tend to value and respect history, and N.C. History Project Director Troy Kickler was busy Monday with a teacher workshop at the Jesse Helms Center. More than 30 teachers from across the state took part in the workshop, “Anti-Federalism, Federalism, and Liberty in North Carolina.” It was designed to “provide educators with the tools to reflect critically upon the central concepts in the national debate over the ratification of the American Constitution, to understand North Carolina’s role in the adoption of the Bill of Rights, and to appreciate the insights regarding liberty that resulted from these exchanges.”