The Greensboro News & Record‘s “Off The Record” column quoted John Hood’s published reaction to Gov. Beverly Perdue’s gaffe about suspending congressional elections. Hood’s comments appear first in a series of reactions from political pundits and media outlets. N.C. Senate Republicans promoted this week Hood’s columns on infrastructure spending and European tax burdens. Troy Kickler wrote the preface for the newly published book Riot and Resistance in County Norfolk, 1646-1650: The Road to Rebellion in Seventeenth Century Britain. A Greensboro News & Record editorial column about a proposed Pope Foundation gift to N.C. Central University mentioned the John Locke Foundation. The Charlotte Observer cited Meck Deck blogger Tara Servatius‘ plan to take a new radio hosting position in Myrtle Beach. The Southern Pines Pilot previewed next week’s Shaftesbury Society presentation from retired Army Col. Vern Pike about his new book, Checkpoint Charlie.
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