A national audience had a chance to read John Locke Foundation President John Hood‘s thoughts about the recent federal court ruling against ObamaCare, as Hood discussed the topic in one of his most recent contributions to National Review Online’s “Corner” blog. The Daily Tar Heel also interviewed Hood about the new General Assembly. A column this week from the News & Observer‘s Rob Christensen referenced the John Locke Foundation in discussing potential ideological divisions within the legislature’s new Republican majority. Christensen also noted in the “Under the Dome” blog that columnist George Will will deliver featured remarks during JLF’s 21st anniversary dinner celebration Feb. 26 in Raleigh. The print version of the N&O highlighted Will’s appearance. The Mount Airy News promoted this week a speech from Becki Gray, JLF Vice President for Outreach, to a Surry County Tea Party group. One week ago, Gray joined Carl Lamm on WTSB Radio to discuss developments at the Legislative Building. Mitch Kokai, Director of Communications, discussed the latest legislative news during an appearance with Curtis Wright on the WAAV/WFNC Radio morning show. Kokai also critiqued for WNCN Television Gov. Beverly Perdue’s hiring of recently ousted U.S. Rep. Bob Etheridge as North Carolina’s new “stimulus czar.” Both Gray and Kokai spoke to The Daily Tar Heel for an article about the possibility that Gov. Beverly Perdue could veto the next state budget plan.