Surely this can’t be a true assessment of The One, but you might find interest in Nolan Finley’s Detroit News column about the 44th president.

Poor Barack Obama. He’s been wronged again. This time, the Obamacare health insurance program is hung up on major computer malfunctions, adding fuel to the blazing criticism that this first giant step toward universal care is a flop.

“Nobody’s madder than me,” Obama declared while trying to explain why three weeks into the enrollment period, most consumers still can’t enroll. “I think it is fair to say that no one is more frustrated by that than I am.”

Wait a minute — the president’s mad? And he’s frustrated? At whom? Himself?

Obamacare is his signature and singular accomplishment, the thing that will define his legacy. His own administration was charged with designing the website and making sure it worked. And it doesn’t, despite spending $640 million on the technology.

Now, in typical government fashion, new contracts costing millions more are being awarded to fix it. So we’ve got delays, cost overruns and operational failures, and Obamacare is just getting started. And we’re supposed to believe the government can run this massively complex entitlement?

In his remarks, the president added, “There’s no excuse for the problem.” And then he went on to tick off a list of alibis, before finally settling on his well-worn favorite: The Republicans did it.

Obama chided the GOP for rooting for Obamacare’s failure and urged them to stop. How that would heal the flawed technology isn’t clear.