When Accuracy in Media listed a handful of “conservative media outlets that are worth watching next year,” Carolina Journal earned a spot on the list. In addition to that honor, a CJ writer and the John Locke Foundation earned recognition from The Heritage Foundation in its latest Insider online update. The widely distributed e-mail cited a blog post noting CJ Associate Editor David Bass‘ work on exposing school-lunch fraud. The e-mail also highlighted the recent “parent-friendly” schools Spotlight report from JLF Education Policy Analyst Terry Stoops, along with a Policy Report and pocket guide on government transparency from Fiscal and Health Care Policy Analyst Joseph Coletti. Speaking of the “parent-friendly” schools report, a recent Burlington Times-News editorial noted the large volume of online comments generated by the newspaper’s coverage of that story. In other education news, CJ contributor Karen Welsh wrote a recent article for The Heartland Institute that quoted Stoops discussing teacher turnover data. Turning back to transparency, the News & Observer published Coletti’s most recent opinion column on that topic. A separate opinion piece in The Charlotte Observer also noted NCTransparency.com‘s high grade of the Mecklenburg County government Web site. The Lincoln Tribune picked up Coletti’s comments about transparency in a recent CJ exclusive, along with a separate story linked to the state’s latest unemployment numbers. Coletti learned officially that he will be serving on a new commission studying the future of the state government’s retirement system. Coletti also played a role, along with CJ Managing Editor Rick Henderson, in helping to assign the nickname “Cash for Cloture” to the congressional wheeling and dealing linked to health-care reform. Henderson coined the phrase, while Coletti passed it along to the Washington Post‘s Dana Milbank, who used it in the opening paragraph of an article on the health-care deal. In one last note of outside recognition, the CampusReform.org Web site highlighted the John Locke Foundation’s upcoming 20th anniversary dinner Jan. 13.
Outside recognition of Carolina Journal, John Locke Foundation