Several Henderson County teachers are newly certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Henderson County now has 245 teachers with the certification.
North Carolina gained 2,277 certified teachers, bringing the state’s total to 17,957, by far the largest number of certified teachers in the nation, according to the state Department of Public Instruction.
I’m not going to waste time finding out how many certified teachers the other states have and then try to correlate that with child brilliance. Suffice it to say that, according to Yahoo’s Associate Content pages, North Carolina still ranks soundly in the bottom half of the fifty states on SAT scores (Note: A ranking of 1 would correspond to the state with the highest scores.):
Critical Reading SAT Score: 495 (Ranking 42)
Math SAT Score: 511 (Ranking 36)
Writing SAT Score: 480 (Ranking 41)
Total SAT Score: 1486 (Ranking 39),
and that’s after a relatively large number of academically disengaged students don’t get around to taking the test (Note: A ranking of 1 would correspond to the state with the highest dropout rate.):
Less than 9th Grade: 6.3% (Ranking 15)
Failed to Graduate High School: 17.1% (Ranking 12).