Update: Palin’s teenage daughter is pregnant.
The Winston-Salem Journal editorializes on VP nominee Sarah Palin:
(I)t’s a stretch to think that many active Democratic women are going to vote for the McCain-Palin ticket simply because Palin is a woman. Many of them supported Clinton not just because she is a woman but because she is a woman who stood for issues they believe in. They are unlikely to overlook Palin’s anti-choice, anti-environmental and anti-gun-control positions, for example, especially when control of the U.S. Supreme Court for decades to come could be in the balance.
Locker Room’s Paul Chesser weighs in on Palin’s anti-environmentalism, including her state commission to study climate change. Chesser also mentions Palin’s dust-up with Rep. Brad Miller over an essay written by “climate doubt” scientists in opposition to placing polar bears on the endangered list:
“If the Governor of Alaska … cannot tell whether this paper is science or an elaborate editorial, what is a less-sophisticated audience to think?” Miller asked in his letter to ExxonMobil on the issue.
‘Less spohisticated audience’ eh, Rep. Miller? I’ll turn the question around and ask what a ‘less sophisticated audience’ is supposed to think when bombarded with — yes — editorial opinion posed as science by a mainstream media promoting hysteria and apocalyptic visions, not to mention a presidential candidate who says we can be free of foreign oil in 10 years with drilling only as a stopgap measure. I’m still not sure exactly how that’s going to work.
Brace for more hysteria as Gustav hits land.
Update: I’m sitting here watching a journalists’ panel from the Republican Naton Convention on C-SPAN. Ariana Huffington calls Palin’s views ‘archaic’ while Keith Olbermann has a ‘passion for the truth.’ Ugh.