This week, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s task force – the one charged with looking at concerns over ideologically and politically slanted lessons being taught in North Carolina public schools – held its first meeting. Locke’s education expert, Dr. Terry Stoops, is a member of the group, officially called the Fairness and Accountability in the Classroom for Teachers and Students Task Force. For short, it’s called F.A.C.T.S.
Terry reports that, so far, the task force has received 430 submissions from parents concerned about the lessons being taught to their kids. Terry tells Mitch Kokai that not all of the submissions rise to the level of serious concern, even though a parent might not like what was taught. In some cases, a teacher was sharing multiple viewpoints. But other submissions are troubling, and as Terry describes it, they fall into three categories:
Sexualization of Children
Critical Race Theory
Political Shaming
WATCH Terry discuss what he learned at the meeting about these three areas of concern.
What comes next is making sure the task force has all the facts, follow-up with parents, and discussions with local officials. “This isn’t about going after teachers. This isn’t about trying to silence teachers,” Terry said. “This is about problem-solving.” You’ll find more information about the task force here.