Here’s how Greensboro Mayor Yvonne Johnson conducts City Council meetings.

Johnson, who lives near the White Street Landfill, wanted any consideration of reopening the landfill to garbage or, as it is properly called, municipal solid waste, to be off the table before it got started. Right off the bat she asked for everyone who was in favor of reopening the landfill to raise their hands and then said there was no reason to discuss the matter when no one raised their hands. Councilmember Mike Barber wasn’t ready to let go quite so easily. He pointed out first that the mayor was out of order and second that nobody wanted to reopen the landfill, but some councilmembers did want to look at what it was costing to keep it closed. Councilmember Goldie Wells made a motion that “we don’t even discuss reopening the White Street Landfill.” A motion to take away the free speech of other councilmembers could be ruled out of order on constitutional grounds, but it wasn’t.

…..The mayor appears to think that substitute motions must be voted on without discussion. Some advice from the acting City Attorney Becky Jo Peterson-Buie would be helpful, but Peterson-Buie also seems confused about the rules of parliamentary procedure in regard to calling the question or ending the discussion. Former City Attorney Linda Miles retired in November and it is now April and no mention has been made of hiring a new city attorney. The council could certainly use some help.