The High Point Enterprise has a message for PART —don’t panic:
(I)t would be unwise for the agency to begin slashing services and routes at this time in response to lower ridership. A wise strategy for PART officials would be to try to economize as much as possible during the next year as we all wait to see how the economy and the price of gasoline move. PART’s plans to continue marketing efforts to provide greater exposure also are wise.
We see now as a great time for PART leadership to continue assessing the Triad’s future mass transit needs. Then, after a year or so when economic vitality returns, PART will be in a position to evaluate ridership patterns to determine service-area priorities and where service cuts might be justified. Yes, tough times are causing problems, but panic isn’t an answer.
Heaven forbid that a quasi-governmental entity would do like the rest of us and scale back during an economic downturn.