The private healthcare market is responding to consumers and their needs. Modern Healthcare conducted a “CEO Power Panel Survey” to gauge where CEOs stood on making changes to their strategy in order to focus on better patient outcomes:
The new mindset is a major change from previous years, said Jim Hinton, CEO of Baylor Scott & White Health in Texas. “Historically, health systems have been very focused on the clinical interaction that a patient had in an ambulatory space or a hospital room, and now we have broadened it to be anything that touches a patient in any way, including ways in which we can anticipate the needs of patients to make their entire care process more efficient and easier for them,” he said.
CEOs are taking various approaches to address the new demands, but technology is a big one. The vast majority (94.4%) said they are making investments in technology to improve patient care. About 97% responded they have deployed mobile apps to engage and interact with patients. Further, 80.6% said they have invested in apps for providers, while 88.9% use electronic health records and 47.2% use wearables.
Health care is a very personal issue for most people, therefore CEOs are investing in ways in order to better accommodate the needs of patients while focusing on better health outcomes:
At Froedtert Health, digital tools are being used to better understand and address patient concerns. The system recently partnered with a company that makes a digital platform that allows patients to explain their health goals and expectations for care. The information is then shared with caregivers who can use it to build stronger connections with patients.
Major healthcare players understand the important role that telemedicine will play in the future of care in this country. Telemedicine initiatives are a proven way to increase convenience, access, and health outcomes for patients. CEOs and other executives are looking at more innovative practices, such as telemedicine, for the future direction of their organizations. This is a good reminder that we should let the market bring new initiatives to patients, rather than regulations.