Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said yesterday that federal revenues spent on birth control and family planning will help save states money on social services and therefore should be considered economic stimulus. Of course what she is more than suggesting is that procreation among poor people is a burden to society and therefore needs to be stifled by the Feds. This is completely consistent with the views of those who were the pioneers of the progressive movement during the early part of the 20th Century. Most of Pelosi?s intellectual forefathers and mothers were ardent advocates of eugenics, a philosophy based on pseudo science, which suggested that population growth among the lower classes needed to be controlled because they were a social burden. For example, economist John Maynard Keynes, father of “stimulus package economics” was on the board of the British Eugenics Society and Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was an outspoken believer and advocate of Eugenics who saw her organization as a tool of accomplishing her goals in this area.
by Locker Room contributor