I am too tired of identity politics. Once again, it insinuates that people make decisions with organs beside their brains. Frankly, I don’t want anybody pretending to think with their toes or skin in any kind of leadership position over me. I’m a firm believer in justice for all, or, as Glenn Beck says, “equal justice for all.” Can we please once and for all be gone with the myth that people with similar body parts understand only people within that subgroup? It is easily disproven. Along with that, we have people claiming identities based on making a public display of what prudes like me consider their private business. So the local daily headlines an article about such a thing, which I won’t discuss more because I don’t believe it is in good taste, and I don’t want to fall for the game of bringing that kind of stuff into mainstream conversation.
by Leslee Kulba
Wild West blogger