That’s Daniel Henninger’s explanation why ObamaCare is tanking. He’s making the same point I have lately, namely that it isn’t so much the details of the legislation that scare people, but the general idea of politicizing something as important as health care. You can read Henninger’s column here.
Great paragraph: “King Canute ordered the tides to recede to prove to his courtiers that his powers were limited. President Obama appears to believe he can reverse the tides of entitlement. What evidence has government given to allow anyone to believe this?”
During the campaign, people fell for all the lofty rhetoric (and many others simply found nothing to like in McCain), but now we’re talking about something that has a direct impact on Americans and they’re unwilling to take Obama and the rest of the DC crowd on faith.
Now we need to expand on that skepticism, since it’s not just health care that shouldn’t be entrusted to politics.