A cult of personality has arisen around Lisa Baldwin, who serves on the Buncombe County Board of Education. She’s the sweetheart of her fans for arguing on behalf of children. She is a household word synonymous with “wrong” among those that hate her. Baldwin is an elected Republican, which makes her an outlier. She’s Board Member No. She describes herself as asking questions and keeping children her focus. Her peers see her as a meddlesome publicity seeker.

And so Thursday, the board approved a “sensor [sic.]” policy. Now, should the board garner five votes deeming one among them to be out of line, they may (1) issue a warning, (2) request that the outlier resign, or (3) refer the problem to the district attorney. One can only wonder what Baldwin was doing that was illegal but not already subject to legal repercussions.

The board also refused to allow Baldwin to be reimbursed for attendance at a Civitas event. Arguments against the reimbursement include the event is politically biased, sponsored by groups that, for example, oppose Common Core.