In these days of climate change, the political climate verily appears to be vectored so as to put the John Locke Foundation in a better position to say, “I told you so.” State governments are often overlooked as boring for lack of mainstream media coverage, lack of interest from educators who think Washington, DC is the seat of all power in America, and pragmatists who argue, “All politics is local.”

Now, individuals are realizing the federal government is going to socialize the country regardless of what they think, how much they pay in taxes, and what sweet innocence they suppose they are electing to office. In self-defense, they are turning to state governments to protect them from the tyrannical attitudes in DC. The current administration is willing to change any rule to steamroll its way into a larger share of the healthcare market, and people like Bob Barr are asking citizens to appeal to state governments to check the power grab.

It is not difficult to imagine Virginia, Texas, and Georgia generating and enforcing Tenth Amendment legislation. Some may laugh at North Carolinians expecting their governor to stand up for freedom, but we’d be fools to consent with our silence to further concentration of power in DC. I therefore strongly recommend readers of this blog study and consider signing Barr’s petition to, if nothing else, raise the governor’s awareness about how many people in her state still cherish liberty.