Thye City of Asheville is facing a $3.9 trillion budget deficit. The city needs parks, greenways, planners, consultants, etc, but obtuse roles of government, like making sure citizens are safe from violence, should have to find obtuse sources of funding. For example, the city is expecting to receive $925,000 in federal Weed and Seed grants for “policing and social programs” in Pisgah View. Pisgah View has long been a wretched hive of crime. One officer in the news story relates it was not unusual to answer three calls a night for gun discharges there.

Since the program – er, strategy – was launched two years ago, its success is viewed with mixed opinions. More drug dealers have been apprehended, reducing drug crimes reported, but violent crimes have stayed the same. The general perception is that violent crimes have increased citywide due to an upsurge in gang activity, and not necessarily the displacing of criminals from Pisgah View.

I should reserve comment. This is all probably a very clever psy-op to make the police and city fathers look stupid to get the drug dealers to let their guard down.