All we need is some poncy Brit telling us that our desire to lower taxes is “crazy,” but that’s what CNN’s struggling talk-show import said of a majority of the American people:
“A lot of people blame the financial crisis on Bush tax cuts and expensive wars,” Morgan told GOP Senator Rob Portman of Ohio in repeating a liberal talking point, demanding: “Isn’t it time you guys took one for the team, the team being America?”
Morgan soon condemned Grover Norquist for being “intransigent” on taxes, contending: “Most impartial observers outside of America say that is crazy, and you have got to change your attitude to this and allow some tax increases.”
Yes, that’s right, Piers, we should wander into tax slavery as most of Europe has done and be done with it. Then all would be right with the world, I guess. I think we’ll pass. That’s why it’s called American exceptionalism. We don’t care what you Euros think about us.