Famous WWII Gen. George S. Patton’s motto, which he took from Frederick the Great, was “L’audace, l’audace, toujours l’audace” (audacity, audacity, always audacity). It served his generalship and the Allied cause well in war. I think that motto’s spirit serves the Academic Left in their cultural war against American principles, including the First Amendment’s protections of religion and speech. They audaciously restrict liberty on many fronts and dare the students to sue them ? knowing that in most cases, the students won’t, because they’re either ignorant of their rights or cowed by the prospect of fighting the university and all the hateful labels that the higher minds of the university culture will rain down on them.
Consider the culture at UNC-Chapel Hill over just the past few years:
? a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction against UNC-CH?s attempt to prevent a Christian outreach fraternity from choosing its members based on agreement with the group’s faith
? the Office of Civil Rights ruled that a UNC-CH lecturer racially and sexually harassed a student in her class
? the Carolina Women’s Center excluded a student group from participating in its “Women’s Week” events on the ideological grounds that the group was pro-life.
Those we know about because the affected students were audacious enough to cry foul. What of the ones who don’t? Remember, only one of the many religious student groups that UNC-CH threatened with derecognition for not allowing nonbelievers to lead the groups actually complained. The rest ceded their liberty in the face of UNC-CH’s aggression.