Very interesting. The Charlotte Post prints an informative, balanced story quoting light rail critic Randal O’Toole and the next thing you know, transit tax backers unveil plans to blanket African-American churches with a pro-tax message.
Hmmm, what is going on here? Fear.
Fear that the truth will get out. And the truth is the biggest long term threat to Charlotte’s bus system is billions in light rail spending that we cannot afford. As happened in community after community — Los Angeles, Portland, San Jose — budget-busting light rail dreams absolutely will put the bus system in the crosshairs. The only question is when — if we keep the current $9 billion transit plan.
Repeal the tax and craft a better plan we can afford, however, and you remove that threat to the bus system. But backers of the tax like being able to threaten the bus system, like being able to threaten paratransit services, like to threaten Elderly General Transportation Service.
Extortion is the only argument they have for a terminally flawed transit plan — Do it or else. Vote for the tax — or else.
Or else. Coming to a church bulletin near you.
Bonus Observation: Wonder if the local NAACP understands that it may one day have to file suit under federal civil rights laws in order to compel CATS not to gut the bus system to pay for light rail. All the streetcar promises in the world are no substitute.