May 23, 2022
“It makes zero sense for the N.C. General Assembly to consider expanding Medicaid now. At a time of rising inflation, growing shortages of critical supplies like baby formula, and other signs of increasing economic uncertainty, it would be incredibly risky to saddle taxpayers with a new multibillion-dollar ongoing government obligation. Medicaid supporters claim expansion would bring in new money from Washington, D.C. But the federal government doesn’t have the money. It must print it, which will drive up interest and inflation rates and exacerbate economic uncertainty. Further, expansion advocates fail to mention that the ultimate financial responsibility for Medicaid remains with North Carolina taxpayers. We will pay an enormous price for a government-dictated health insurance scheme that doesn’t equate to quality health care. State lawmakers have been wise to resist the siren song of Medicaid expansion. Let’s hope they continue to demonstrate that wisdom.”