Hat tip: Best of the Web
Princeton Review uses four “diversity demographics” to find “The Best 357 Colleges.” PR rates colleges according to “diverse” (good) or “monochromatic” (bad). The “monochromatic” category is quite telling ? PR falls headlong into the skin-color method of judging diversity used by only the most discriminating scholars.
How silly that idea is can be underscored by Diversity Demographic No. 3. At a “Diverse University,” according to the blazing intellects at PR,”Students Ignore God on a Regular Basis.” But at a “Monochromatic University,” however, “Students Pray on a Regular Basis .”
Those of us not Through the Academic Looking-Glass, of course, might think that real diversity would be having a mix of students, those who pray and those who don’t. But again, that’s not color-coded academic “diversity.” We might also find it strange to think that praying to God is a “monochromatic” thing. Is there one skin color that prays to God? How many races are being stereotyped here?
I will note wryly that at least PR acknowledges the existence of God. You can’t ignore something that isn’t there. And thank God that He doesn’t ignore them, nor does he discriminate as colleges do; after all, “Jesus loves the little children, / all the children in the world. / Red and yellow, black and white / They are precious in His sight.”