The pseudo-economist is, naturally, Paul Krugman, a supposed scholar who doesn’t believe in debate when some grand socialistic scheme is on the line.
Here is Don Boudreaux’s letter on Krugman’s column today:
Editor, The New York Times
620 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10018
To the Editor:
Paul Krugman is appalled that so many Americans continue to resist Obamacare
(“The Town Hall Mob,” August 7). He cannot comprehend how the unwashed masses
are so easily duped by greedy billionaires who are, of course, the only persons
who stand to lose from the glorious “reform” that Pres. Obama and Sen. Kennedy
propose for America.
But even someone so sure, as Mr. Krugman is, of the goodness of Democrats with
enormous political power must be at least mildly disturbed by the White House’s
request that “If you get an email or see something on the web about health
insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected]”.
I can only imagine Mr. Krugman’s ire if the Bush administration had made a
similar request regarding “fishy” complaints about the war in Iraq. And yet, in
today’s column, Mr. Krugman says nothing about this offensive White House move;
he chooses instead to impugn the motives and intelligence of ordinary Americans.
Donald J. Boudreaux
Chairman, Department of Economics
George Mason University