At Tuesday night’s meeting, the Greensboro City Council will hold a public hearing “to receive information and public comment with reference to the construction of the amphitheater and the Greensboro War Memorial Coliseum Complex.” No doubt funding to cover the ever-increasing cost of the amphitheater will be discussed, considering the fact that director Matt Brown and council member Robbie Perkins want it up and running by summer.

The N&R’s Allen Johnson weighs in, arguing “at some point the city should consider rethinking the way the coliseum is run and supervised.”

Johnson ponders the idea of creating a coliseum authority modeled on the Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority, which runs the major entertainment venues with funding from a hotel and food preparation taxes.

Johnson says the fact that some City Council members “just don’t like Brown” will keep any meaningful action regarding the coliseum from taking place in the near future. All I know is Brown is the city’s highest-paid employee —a fact that isn’t mentioned nearly enough —– and he should be the subject of very close scrutiny from the City Council. Whether or not council members like him or not shouldn’t really matter.

It will also be very interesting to hear what the public has to say about the amphitheater.