Here’s a snippet from Fox News:
STATESVILLE, N.C. ? A public housing complex in North Carolina wasn?t feeling the holiday spirit last week when the manager turned away what many boys and girls wish for this time of year ? Christmas presents.
That?s because in this case, ?Santa? takes her clothes off for cash.
Last year, an adult nightclub called Teasers donated more than 500 gifts to kids in public housing for the holidays. …
“They showed up with the gifts in a stretch limo with two of their dancers in the back,” Statesville Housing Authority manager David Meachem said. …
The pastor at the First Baptist Church said it’s within the spirit for people of different backgrounds to come together and help the less fortunate.
And the manager at Teasers agrees.
Also, I can’t help passing along this snippet from the story linked in that article under the headline “Women Protest School Decision: Students upset that all-women’s college will begin admitting male students”:
But many of the young women at the Aurora, N.Y., school say allowing men to attend would compromise the tight-knit community.
“We all leave our doors unlocked. We can run around in our nighties. It’s all girls and we feel really safe and that will change,” said student Starbuck Hersey.
Girls running about willy-nilly in their nighties … honestly, haven’t all you men always suspected that’s what went on at women’s colleges?