By now the phrase “school enrollment boom” no longer registers even a shocked expression for anyone in the state, and maybe even the country.  The numbers predict a large increase overall, nationwide, with North Carolina k-12 public schools projected to grow over 20 percent between 1988 and 2008. With this growth comes a number of concerns, including school construction.  The gut-reaction from bureaucrats is to simply increase funding along the same school construction formula.  As Terry Stoops has said numerous times, most recently on the air with Lockwood Phillips and Connie Asero, it’s time to shake things up by re-evaluating funding priorities. As schools grow, so too must their administration.  But, lest ye be fooled into thinking that all schools are growing, take note – some districts’ student population is declining.  However, their personnel continue to grow.  Find out what cost this has for schools. thought it newsworthy.