I know a thing or two about “BAR” in these here hills of western NC. In fact, we just had a black bear get into our trash Monday night and make a big mess of things. But I don’t blame the bear and I’m not going to shoot it. We built in?HIS path along the ridge. These bear have been moving about freely for ages and it’s only over the past few generations that bear encounters?in this area?(I live in Black Mountain – home of lots of Black Bears) have?become common place. I have at least 6-8 bear encounters a year here at my house and on the horse pasture out back. Rather than trap, shoot or block the bears though, I do somthing Steve Erwin never figured out… I keep a respectful distance between me and them when they are around and I teach my children what to watch and listen for. Encroachment into wild areas has as much to do with bear encounters as anything else. But rather than put all kinds of restrictions on development how about we see an easing of zoning regulations and a reduction in city tax rates – then maybe people wouldn’t be so apt to build out into Yogi’s territory. Hey, Boo-Boo?
by Locker Room contributor